The past couple weeks have been really busy with both of us working, Pat traveling for work, house projects, yard projects and kid activities like the boys starting swimming lessons. I've gotten behind in simple things like meal planning and staying on top of chores. I'd lost the rhythm of my tasks and life had started to feel chaotic again. Something had to change and I knew my task load couldn't be reduced, so it was small changes that helped me to get more focused.
Last weekend I paused and took time to plan meals, write a shopping list, prep meals for the week. Not only will it save time and stress but we will now be saved from the monotony of eating tacos or spaghetti each night. Hello variety! We are challenging ourselves to "eat a rainbow" each day and it was very helpful to have trays of fruit and veggies to pull from. The boys got back into the routine of doing their daily chores this past week and, with their help, the house felt much cleaner and less messy. Last weekend, Pat and I re-started our weekly date night. It was a bit funny--since we both were too tired to do anything that required thinking like read or play a game and we couldn't find a movie we both wanted to watch, we ended up talking then each watching our own TV shows on Netflix while sitting next to each other! Ah, the romance! We also got back into our routine of meeting on Sunday nights to discuss the coming week and tasks. Does anyone else struggle with piles of paper around their house? I dove into my piles to try to get them under control since I'm tired of looking for things that I know I put in a "safe place" but can't remember where.
When I think of simple living, I think calm and focused on what matters.
Life is busy. There's no way around it, especially with kids. But slowly I'm learning to live simply in the middle of the busy-ness.
I'm enjoying the moments and the journey. If I'm not careful, life can begin to feel like a large task list--wake up, get ready, do this, drive here, mealtime, play date, etc. Of course there are tasks to be done each day, but there will always be tasks. It's not as if I will someday reach the end of my to do list and THEN I can relax and enjoy life. I don't want to get to the end of my journey of life and have missed the small things that matter. The small things that don't yell for my attention like sitting quietly to share my thoughts with Pat. Pausing to snuggle my kids. Spending time listening to a friend. Appreciating the masterpieces God puts in my life such as handprints on the wall or a beautiful sunset. Taking time to read the Bible and to open my heart to my Creator. Praying for others.
I'm learning to say no more often. I'm learning to take care of myself and that I don't have to do everything I'm asked to.
I enjoy preparing simple healthy meals and planning ahead. Cooking for others feels like a gift I can give to them and I enjoy the meal planning all the way to the presentation.
I'd love to hear any other ideas any readers have to live simply and keep focused. I honestly have no idea who reads this and I would love to hear from you. =)